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Port Hedland

Port Hedland is a dynamic town of over 15,000 people located in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. The original inhabitants, the Karriyarra people, call the place Marapikurrinya for the hand shaped formation of the tidal creeks coming off the natural harbour.

The lifestyle is relaxed and open. The Towns location on the ocean provides for a variety of aquatic leisure activities including superb fishing. Whales and nesting flatback turtles can be seen in season. Millstream and Karijini National Parks are within easy driving distance, while Broome and the Kimberley are also within reach.

The two main residential centres are Port Hedland and South Hedland. Each has a range of community services including cultural, recreation and shopping facilities. Branches of major Banks are located in Wedge Street Port Hedland, while Commonwealth and State Government offices are mainly located in the South Hedland CBD.

The Wedgefield Industrial Area contains a variety of light and service industry premises, while the feature which now dominates the landscape of Port Hedland is the BHP Billiton Iron Ore Nelson Point crushing and shipping facility.
The Port is one of the worlds largest in tonnage terms, with over 70 million tonnes of product worth more than $3 billion shipped each year.


The climate of Port Hedland is warm to hot, with mean maximum temperatures of 36.4°C (97.5°F) in January and 27.1°C (80.8°F) in July. Maximum temperatures in summer are usually moderated by a warm but humid sea breeze.

Annual rainfall (falling almost exclusively between December and June) averages 311.5 mm (12.26 in) but because of erratic cyclones is subject to some of the largest variations in the world. As an illustration, in 1942 1,040 mm (41 in) fell, but in 1944 only 28 mm (1.1 in) fell and the town went for over 300 days with no rain. The high summer temperatures experienced in Port Hedland mean that most tourists to the area choose to visit in the cooler months between May and September.



The Pilbara Room Restaurant


Port Hedland Attractions
